Visiting Motherhood Rd.

There is so much advice you can find on the internet and within the world around you when it comes to this hot topic.
I will be honest, I did do my research into motherhood, but I took it lightly, I didn’t want to place to much pressure onto the role and scare myself into anxiety.
In the early months of entering Motherhood, I realized two things;

  • Yes, it is true, you should sleep as much as you can whilst you are pregnant because you will definitely have some experience of sleepless nights.
  • Motherhood is not a fairy tale, I mean, it contains many moments of love and adoration, but it also comes with painful moments of vitamin ‘patience’ being sucked out of you, fast!


I love being a mother, I enjoy the inner paths I now travel and the myriad of emotions that were seeded in me during my pregnancy. These seeds blossomed into unconditional love through the sacredness of this role.
The word ‘Mother’ brings up so many different emotions in all of us, some painful, others joyous or inspiring.
So, the question of ‘what a good mother is’ or ‘what it means to be a good Mother’, is very tricky to handle because Motherhood has so many unique expressions.

Motherhood Road

The most important thing I have learned in the two years that have passed is that self-care and love is the most vital vitamin you could consume daily.
Remaining in balanced energy, which is easier said than done, really does make being a Mother much more of a smoother process.
Motherhood will teach you a lot, and many of the lessons can be painful! Be kind to both yourself and your child, remember that ‘this too shall pass’, both good moments and the not so great ones. Remembering this always helps me zoom back into the present moment, this realization helps me appreciate what I have there and then and appreciating it for what it is.

A Mother naturally wants what is best for her child, a lot of the time, she is willing to sacrifice so much of herself to make sure her child is tended to and provided for.
I am sure you have experienced it too?
You’re an avid reader, but with your kid bouncing around, you hardly have that kind of fancy time or focus, or you love to paint, but you know bringing your tools out will be asking for the biggest potential mess yet. So how does a mother really find time for self-care and for doing the things that make her happy?

My biggest help has been meditation.
It is a topic of discussion in almost all areas of life and this is for good reason.
Meditation opens you up to many truths, it really brings in a sense of balance and deep appreciation for life. Through meditation, one feels more energized and empowered to live in a way that expresses their highest self.
If you are new to this topic, you can find a simple meditation here, written by myself.

We Mothers tend to place so much pressure on ourselves to fit some perfect, invisible mold that doesn’t exist.
Motherhood is sharing, expression, pain, truth and so many other layers exist in this realm, there is always more to learn but never will there be such a thing as ‘perfect’.
It is important to support other Mommies around you, share tips and advice, if you are a new mom, joining groups is always a great idea, there are so many people out there who would love to share their experiences with you!

Click here to join a community of mothers.


Remember, Motherhood Road (2)